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little bear 【天文學】 =Ursa minor.

little finger

One day mickey and goofy went to hunt the little bear . but they were tricked by the smart little bear . casually , mickey found eht eg lost by the ostrech mother by coincidencd . but , that meant trouble for mickey because ostrich monther thought that mickey stole the egg . mickey lad the hard time to explain himself 米奇與高飛一起去捕獵小浣熊,但都被聰明的小浣熊耍得團團轉,無意中米奇拾獲了鴕鳥媽媽遺失的蛋,就從那一刻起米奇的麻煩就來了,因為鴕鳥媽媽以為米奇就是偷賊,這回米奇真是有理說不清。

Two little bears lived in a wood . one was bad and one was good . one went walking straight to school , one went fishing in a small pool . one learned add - up and take - away , one spent all of his time on play . one helped mother when shool was done , ohe chased little boys just for fun , if you were a bear and lived in a wood , would you be bad or would you be good 有兩只小熊住在一片樹林里,一只好,一只壞.一個去學校學習,一個在小池塘釣魚,一個學習天天向上,一個就知道整天玩.一個放學回來幫他媽媽干活,另一個小熊追著媽媽玩.如果你是一只生活在樹林里的熊你想做個好的還是壞的呢

Ignoring coins in circulation , which amount to only a small sum and have little bearing on monetary policy , there are three components in our monetary base , namely , the certificates of indebtedness , the aggregate balance and the exchange fund paper that we have issued 貨幣基礎有三個主要組成部分:負債證明書總結馀,以及金管局發行的外匯基金票據及債券。流通硬幣其實也是其中一部分,但由于數目細小,對貨幣政策沒有太大影響,因此暫且擱下不談。

As she was about to approach , he , alarmed , raised his hunting spear , and was on the point of transfixing her , when jupiter , beholding , arrested the crime , and snatching away both of them , placed them in the heavens as the great and little bear 但當她剛朝他邁步時,他馬上警覺起來,舉起獵矛,就要投射。這時朱庇特發現了并及時制止了這種忤逆行為,把母子二人從地上帶走,放置在天上,成為大熊星和小熊星。

Little bear helps big bear gather wood , fetch water , and tidy the cave so that they can play together . - - this text refers to the school & library binding edition 簡介:在本書中,大熊跟小熊一起撿木材,一同整理山洞,也一起玩,他們是最好的朋友,共同度過快樂的時光。用字簡單,適合5歲以上兒童閱讀。

The powers of the ocean assented , and consequently the two constellations of the great and little bear move round and round in heaven , but never sink , as the other stars do , beneath the ocean 海洋之神答應了,結果大熊星座和小熊星座只能在天上繞來繞去,永遠不能象其它的星星一樣落到海中去。

Humph , nobody would take me . i will go by myself . i will finish all the food when i get to the little bear ' s home . you will see , everyone (想了想)好哇,你們不帶我去,我自己去。到了小熊家,我就把好東西一口氣吞進肚子里,你們等著吧!

A few days later , little bear lent his telescope to little rabbit . little rabbit put telescope before his eyes , ” ah , the trees begin to grow many leaves 過些天,小熊把望遠鏡借給了小兔。小兔用望遠鏡看樹林:啊,樹上長滿了小葉子。

The kitten said , “ it is a holiday today . little bear invited us to his house . we will have a great time , eating and playing and singing . 小貓咪說: “今天過節,小能請客,我們到它家去。又吃又玩又唱歌,真呀真快樂! ”

Father bear , who is very strong , takes a bag and leads his family . little bear is having a race with his sister . ” ready ! go 身體強壯的熊爸爸背著大大的旅行袋,領著全家出發了。小熊跟姐姐賽跑: “預備!跑! ”

The little bear ' s face gets covered with honey . ” yum , yum , yummy ! ” his mother , father , and sister lick his face 小熊滿臉糊滿了蜂蜜。 “吧唧!吧唧!吧唧! “熊媽媽、熊爸爸和熊姐姐都開始舔小熊臉上的蜂蜜。

Two separate studies from the 1960s and 1970s have shown that , in general , iq has very little bearing on early reading ability 1960與70年代各有一個研究都指出:一般而言,早期的閱讀能力與智商無關。

“ hey little bear , get up ! ” little bear ' s mom wakes him up . today is the day of the picnic for little bear ' s family “孩子,該起床了不起! ”小熊的媽媽叫起了小熊。今天是小熊一家外出野餐的日子。

Early in the morning , mommy bear started to make a honey pie . honey pie is little bear ' s most favorite food 一大早,熊媽媽就開始做蜂蜜甜餅餅,這可是小熊最喜歡吃的東西了。

Mother bear is running and she slips in the rain . and the honey pie falls on the little bear ' s head 熊媽媽在雨中滑倒了。更糟的是,蜂蜜甜餅餅掉到了小熊的頭上。

Bernice was very content because she had two little bears , annabelle and bruce , who she adored 柏妮絲很滿足,因為她有兩只她很疼愛的熊寶寶,安納貝爾和布魯斯。

Little bear looked far ahead at the woods through the telescope , ” ah , the are covered with tender shoots 小熊用望遠鏡看遠處的樹林:啊,樹上長滿了小芽芽。

Boy friend : sure , i know that little bear searching for honey , right ? i knew you like it 男游客:就是那只偷蜂蜜的熊吧?就知道你喜歡這個。

Hi , kitty ! are you going to the little bear ' s house ? can you take me with you 狐貍:喂!小貓咪!你到小熊家去嗎?帶我一塊去吧!